Living Life to the Fullest!

"Vacation is that time when you wish you had something to do while doing nothing." -Frank Tyger

Friday, October 7, 2011

Winning Lotto: Just Luck or Just Fate

Lotto is one of the most popular number games not only in the Philippines but to the rest of the world. It is so popular that lotto has become a part of everyday Filipino living. Some people won't end their day without dropping-by any lotto outlet and play their bets and hope that they become the next millionaire. Others would sneak from their office break just to do the same.

Photo: Courtesy of Talakayan at Kalusugan

It is a game so popular that all people from every walk of life come and play. Mind you, I know some people who are already multimillionaires still trying their luck to win the game. I cannot forget my mum's reaction when she found out that one of her "rich" friends is playing lotto, "Grabe! Tignan mo, ang yaman-yaman na pero naglalaro pa pala ng lotto." And I said in reply, "Grabe ah! Tindi!" Maybe they got their riches winning the lotto. Kidding aside, they are already rich before they even started playing lotto. And I believe the rich plays the lotto just to entertain themselves and or 'help the less fortunate.' Yes, that's true. Some of the proceeds the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) generates from the people's bets are directly added to medical and other services fund as aid to our less fortunate brothers and sisters, some with cancers, with aids, and other diseases.

I, myself, cannot deny the fact that I also play this number game. Who knows, I may win the game. Just think positive and let "The Secret" make the winning done for you. That's my principle for winning the game. I find it entertaining, thrilling, and a suspense most especially when you check the winning numbers and compare it with your playing numbers. If you have six (6) numbers to win all-in-all, then you are the new millionaire! Just don't overly-react as people may notice and plan something bad at you. It's better to be safe. It's no ordinary amount of money. It's millions!

Photo: Courtesy of La Coacha

As of date, the highest jackpot prize won by a 'single' player is more than P700,000,000.00. That's a lot of zeros! And it's almost a billion! Who would have thought that the jackpot prize would hit that mark? What will you do with all that money? You won't get poor, of course, unless you mismanage all that money. You can buy everything you want. You wouldn't have to work through the rest of your life. You'll have the house, you'll have the cars. Almost everything! Even the hottest girls in town! Ooohlala!

But haven't you thought of this: Do you think that winning a lotto is all about a man's luck or all about that man's fate?

I somewhat believe in luck but I seldom believe in fate. Both are quite superstitious. One may be true over the other or vice-versa. 

But you know what, I believe that there is something more than luck and fate that makes a man win the lotto. I believe in the combination of both: the what we call as, "fate of luck," an inevitable course of your chance of winning the jackpot.

It is not you who has this luck or has this fate. It is your luck that has the fate that is with you that brings you closer to winning the jackpot. It means that aside from betting your numbers and waiting for the draw date, there is this something more than what your are doing that you should be doing. And what is that? That from the moment you pay your bet and wait for the draw date, you should have already prepared yourself and thought of winning that you will surely win. You must already start to think positive. Start thinking that you will win the game.

You must be prepared. Being prepared means that you are prepared because you will win the jackpot! You know that you will win the jackpot. Preparedness means a subtle change in yourself, from being the bad guy to being the good guy. You're not anymore a drinker, a "Juan tamad," a big spender, a pain in-the-ass within your family, being selfish. There are a lot of things to change in you. It is a LOT of blessings and there should also be a BIG positive change of who you are, as a person, as a Christian, and as a human being...the entirety of yourself.

And of course, what's most important is how you think of the money. What good will you do about it? How will you manage your money? How will you make it grow? How will you return the favor to the One who gave it to you? There are so many things to consider but the most important thing is, do not ever ever be influenced by the Filipino mentality that when you have a big amount of money at hand, you will spend it and buy the things you dream of having. That's a BIG NO NO!

The first thing you should do is to think how your money will grow. Invest it. Rebuilding or building a new house is considered as an investment. Yes, it is an investment. The value does not fluctuate easily unlike a car. That's right! Having read that buying a car is not an investment, you may just want to buy one car. That's the maximum. Don't get me wrong with this. I'm not pertaining to any car you want. Not a Ferrari, a Maserati, a Bugatti, a Rolls Royce, or whatsoever expensive car there is. The practical one.  You know what I mean. And then the rest goes to the bank. Remember, do not invest in any bank that offers a high return. Remember, you are already rich. You are not as desperate as before looking for a high investment return to make you rich in an instant. Again, you are already rich. While some of the money is sleeping-pretty inside a bank, grab some and invest in an ideal business. Build your own business. And if you want to learn more about what business to establish, read other business books. It will help you a lot. Do not hesitate to buy a book. Remember, you are already rich. Don't be stingy.

And of course, remember to cater those who are needy. Remember to look back from where you came from. The money is more than enough to make you live for the rest of your earthly-life. Make someone's life better. In that manner, you know that God, the One who gave it to you, will surely look upon you and say, "Child, you'll win another jackpot!"

So what do I say it is? Again, winning a lotto is not just a matter of luck or fate. It is "fate of luck." And in order for you to achieve this fate of luck, first, prepare yourself to become someone who is better if not the best, i.e. to be a good Christian. Second, think positive that you will win the jackpot. Remember, a strong will attracts. Third, be realistic and good enough on how you will handle the money. And lastly, return the blessings to the One who gave it to you even in the smallest of ways. It doesn't matter how big or small it is as long as you mean it within your heart.

Haven't you thought of it? Living your life to the fullest and being a good Christian is like winning the jackpot already? Indeed.

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