Living Life to the Fullest!

"Vacation is that time when you wish you had something to do while doing nothing." -Frank Tyger

Friday, October 7, 2011

Eating Do's and Dont's for All-You-Can Eat

Man's natural instinct is to survive and one way of surviving is basically to eat. We, Filipinos, cannot deny the fact that we have one of the best-tasting food among other nations. That is why Filipinos really love to eat and eat, and eat a lot, every minute, not only three but even six to seven times a day, i.e. breakfast, morning snack (a light snack in-between breakfast and lunch; although this is not popularly practiced), lunch, merienda (a Spanish term for light snacks in-between lunch and dinner), dinner, and of course, when you stay awake 'til midnight, the all-time popular midnight snack.

Buffet at The Spiral, Sofitel Manila
Photo: Courtesy of Anton Diaz

And because eating is very popular to the Filipino culture, our ears clap for joy whenever we hear the most popular eating-habit, the "eat all-you-can" or the modern twist, "all-you-can eat." Buffets and order all-you-can are the two best examples of this eating-habit. More and more restaurants of this kind are sprouting like mushrooms from every corner of major destinations in the Metro. Why? Because food is becoming a trend, a wildfire that sets our mouth for sumptuous meals and tempting dishes. Man is weak when it comes to good food. "A way to a man's heart is through his stomach." It really is.

I, myself, is not innocent of this temptatious sin. And during all these years, I have mastered my own way of eating all-you-can style and last until you feel satisfied that you have matched what you paid for with what you have consumed, or even greater it and make the restaurant file for bankruptcy. Writing this article means that I want to share with you that feeling of satisfaction when it comes to eating all-you-can, from money to tummy.'ll have to learn it from heart. These do's and dont's apply to every eat all-you-can restaurants you go to.

First thing to take note of, the moment you enter the restaurant, make sure to look for a good spot. That's right. Good spot means a lot in eating. It doesn't only add a relaxing ambiance but it will also boost how much you will consume. A not so near to the buffet table is already fine. This will give you an easy access to go back and forth, grabbing a plate, sitting, eating, then grab a plate again, then sit, and then eat and so on and so forth. Choosing a spot at the far-end makes you hopeless. It will just make you go crazy and lazy to go and grab another plate after the other. I say it, you will not enjoy most especially when the restaurant is really big. Fortunately, most restaurants have an ideal area size so going back and forth the buffet table won't be a big matter after all. You'll still enjoy!

After looking for what you think is the best spot for your 'sinful' tactics, take your seat. That's right. Sit. Aside from taking a rest after all the troubles of looking for a good spot, sitting means you 'observe.' Observe the people around you and see what food/delicacy they are getting so often. Don't worry, it doesn't look like you are a serial killer, a stalker, or a first time customer to eat in a fancy eat all-you-can restaurant...remember, if you know this, it means you are the greatest 'eat all-you-can' person in that restaurant for that day. You are a professional! You are a conosieur! Don't mind them. Let them mind their food. Then once you had an idea of the popular food for the masses, then proceed to the next do's.

After the look and the sit, it's now time to stand. Yes, stand. Stand and walk your way to the buffet table. Uh-uh-uh! It's not yet the time to grab a plate and fill it with food. Standing and walking means observing the entire buffet table. From west to east or east to west and north to south or south to north. Look around, closely. Closely means, you need to know what's that? What is the name of this and that? Is it what the masses are filling their plates so often? Is this chicken? Is this the international bestseller? Is it a poison? Is it going to kill me? Or is this cloud nine? Such as those must be considered. Visit all the stations. Oriental, Mediterranean, Japanese, Spanish/Mexican, Caribbean, Western, Asian, Indian, Thai, Local, etc., etc. Everything!

In accordance with the previous do's, you may want to grab a plate already while moving around and fill your plate with the food/delicacy that you are most familiar of. But of course you are already familiar with those food and eating in that kind of restaurant means you want to try those that are unfamiliar to you, with caution. And that is why you may want to ask the help of the station chefs/supervisors. They are there not only to prepare the food for that station but for you to ask them about this and that. It's very important. Mind you, there's a least chance for you to try all the food that is why you may want to ask help so that you can try the best of the best and maximize the capacity of your stomach.

You may want to fill a plate or two (or even three or four; this is only advisable if you are already familiar with the place, i.e. you have eaten not only once or twice in that particular restaurant. Hence, if it's your first time, a plate will do as for you to know which of which will you be liking the most and will surely be getting back for more) before you sit down as to minimize the effort of going back and forth and maximize the time-gap before your mind realizes that your stomach is already full. Remember this, time intervals is very important in eat all-you-can. Your brain may be telling you that you are still hungry but your stomach feels contradictory of what your brain is telling you. So make sure to eat continuously with minimal time intervals. I say eat and eat and eat.

Next, minimize or as much as possible do not eat any carbohydrates most especially rice, bread, and potatoes (even pasta) during your meal. These are really the space-takers inside your stomach. They easily fool you and make you full.

After a plate or two, you may want to balance the taste inside your mouth. This is to avoid being fed-up or disgusted with the food. It is very important that all the tastes, i.e. sourness, saltiness, bitterness, sweetness, and umami, must be present in the entire duration of your meal. But most of the time, sweetness is the least consumed among all the tastes. That is why it is advisable to eat desserts in-between meals. The feeling of sweetness will help boost your taste buds and soon boost your appetite giving you the feeling of wanting more. But, be weary not to overdo your desserts. Desserts are one of the heaviest and we may want to avoid eating so much of it. Just get a piece or two and try another set of dessert after another meal. In that order, you'll be able to try almost all the desserts and dishes in the buffet.

Photo: Courtesy of The Sofitel Saigon Plaza
 Finally, you may want to drink tea or any other hot drinks to dissolve the grease (sebo) inside your body and to help increase your digestion to lessen the feeling of fullness inside your stomach. 

Try following these do's and dont's and you'll see, you'll be trying more and more eat all-you-can resto just around the corner. You'll be more than satisfied once you step-out of the door and say to yourself, "I'll be back."

Beware: Having too much is bad for your health. Make sure to eat moderately according only to what your body needs. Eating too much may lead to health risks.

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